Thursday, October 30, 2008


As a fan of the television show "Lost" I wonder if the show will adapt to the changing times. The show was so perfect for America in 2004 coming as it did on the heels of September 11th. It opened with the cast and by proxy the audience being put threw a horrific plane crash. They arrive on an island searching for a leader and scared of the darkness that surrounds them. If that sounds eerily familiar it might have something to do with the last 6 years of the Bush presidency. Not to get all political but if the election next week goes the way I hope it does, we will in a sense be less lost. Most of us will be no less concerned by the state of the world but suddenly reassured that an adult has taken the wheel.

I will still watch the show and it will no doubt continue to dazzle me but I suspect on some level I will feel a little less connected to the characters. A little less lost.