Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Adults Have Left The Room

In the last 7 years it has become increasingly apparent to me that the adults (WW II Generation) have left the political room. In their place a rising tide of graying teenagers who are content to win their political battles by being the loudest voice instead of the wisest. If this approach to political discourse sounds familiar it should. It is the same tactic baby boomers used in the 60's but without the moderating influence of the older generations. How this round of national strife will sort itself remains to be seen but my advice is to hold on to your hats because it is going to get bumpier before it gets smoother.

Quick Question About the New Media...Meet the New Boss Same As The Old???

Is it possible that the current fragmentation of media reverses itself in a few years?

For the record, I am all for the fragmentation of the media. One could argue that in the early days of radio & TV you had an initial fragmentation followed by re-aggregation. The fallout from that little cycle was decades of dominance by the big networks. Are Federated Media, the Podshow network and Revision3 harbingers of what is to come?