Monday, January 21, 2008

A Scandal Gets A Name

A currently unnamed scandal (Note: Scandal without a catchy name = scandals nobody knows about) involves accusations of extremely senior U.S. officials selling nuclear secrets to dangerous foreign players and a reported F.B.I. cover-up.

Some scandals get a lot of play in the MSM (Lewinsky, Whitewater, Valerie Plame) and some do not. Let's see how much coverage the scandal gets in the U.S. media. I suspect they won't get around to focusing on this London Times Online article and their follow-up story either. The world press on the other hand will follow along and that might hurt our credibility on the whole non-proliferation/Iran thing.

Oh, and for good measure we have the voice of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons weighting in on the non-coverage of the "Nuke-Gate" scandal. (Mark this portion of the post as my first feeble attempt to brand the scandal.)

It goes without saying that this whole thing probably won't be raised during the presidential debates.